Monday, November 7, 2011

Indonesian Historical Scripts (Part 03)

Hi again, sorry for the delay folks..
I need some spare time for relax after a few days of work and of course for making or for the right word is updating our blogs here (^^) - thanks for your patience!

So what are we waiting for?
lets get continued from our last topics, which is about Indonesia Historical Scripts and here it is ....

Buginese consonants

Non-Consonant Buginese

Script used the Batak

Pegon for Java Script Language and Bahasa Sunda

Script Tagbanwa

Script Harunoo

Script Buhid

------- EPILOGUE -------

I am a very proud people of Indonesia, we have different cultures and languages ​​in our Nation. If I walk in Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, I like it when seeing the board or boards street stores are still willing to use the script writing of the archipelago. Hopefully this script-script can still be relegated to our children and grandchildren later. who knows what will happen, whether the character is destroyed, or later evolved into the script, other new characters ... . hopefully useful for your knowledge.

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