Monday, November 14, 2011

8 Ways That Make Frugality is wasteful

Without realizing it, many people who spend money on a regular basis for items or services whose price is too expensive. This feels normal because its object is important and is accompanied by prestige value.

Many people equate frugality with the meaning 'not glamorous, as claimed by Leah Ingram, an economist told The Street, "People equate savings with cheap, but for me frugality is smart to manage money. I do not want to look for hard-earned money is spent on objects that did not last long. "

Consider again whether you have done would waste 8 things that could have saved the following?

1. Fuel
Many people feel compelled to fill their vehicles with this type of fuel is more expensive, but keep in mind almost all motor vehicles designed for regular fuel consume. Read a good book in advance with the manual of your vehicle, especially you who have a luxury car.

Instead of you who have the luxury vehicle, if it came to fill it with a special fuel, do not save money by filling it with a quasi-regular premium. You'll spend even more money when damaged by incorrect charging.

2. Product warranty
Many lifestyle products such as electronics warranty provides the facility as one of the attractions. Many keep the warranty, many of them a lie. Not advise you to not buy products that are not under warranty, but here you are asked for more detail with the warranty offered.

What can be replaced, and what is not? Note the terms and conditions carefully. With more detail on this, you will not get stuck buying a more expensive product with a warranty which is tantamount to a cheaper product.

3. Food
Back we are reminding, not teach you to buy food on the streets and avoid foods in the supermarket. Foods that are fresh and clean will be much healthier than buying packaged food from distant places, contain preservatives and have a label that impressed luxury from abroad.

Erin Huffstetler, author of Frugal Living Guide suggests, "There are so many processed foods on the market, but I prefer to pay more for foods that are fresh and healthy rather than having to go to the doctor."

Similarly, when you prefer to eat in fancy restaurants can cook while at home. Little effort to learn to cook and buy raw materials at the supermarket without realizing it could be save your monthly expenses. Except you already have a guaranteed subscription catering hygiene and quality, it also can save energy and time.

4. Shoe
For business, women often dark eyes to the brand, especially when it comes to brand fashion and personal taste. Keep in mind, the shoes are fashion items, where fashion is always changing every 6 months. They are designed to change each period.

So, love the fashion is okay as long as you have extra budget, but to be smart and wise woman, smart read trends and customize it. Make a collection of shoes as well as investments that are useful in any event.

5. Car
Not that you should only buy a used car, but choose wisely and good cars. Do not get stuck with cheap prices but the cost of maintenance and fuel to make the bag dry. Many cases where people buy cars based on the cheapest price offered by a brand. Apparently the car is wasteful and should be bought new and the old hard sell. Note also the car that has a high selling power after usage.

6. Clothing
The more frequently used clothing, the higher the risk of color fade and shrink in size. Do not get caught up buying clothes that are too low because only survive within a short period of time. Do not be too carried away with the top brands because the more often you wear and wash, then kualitasnyapun will decrease drastically. Often dressed in Woli read tips *** and see how the basic pieces can be combined with each other to look different. Clothing can be a wise investment if you are also in selecting and maintaining it.

7. Home Improvement
Choosing the right contractor to build or renovate a house can be a difficult process. Sometimes, buying raw materials and cheap furniture that became big losses in the future. For example, people who save money by using cheap wood without the anti-pest, finally eradicate the pest termite trouble a few years later. The house is an investment, so choose quality materials and do not be too pamper yourself with luxurious furniture that is not necessarily used.

8. Internet connection
Inevitably, Internet access became a vital part of life, both in the office, home or have a service in its own smartphone. The number of providers that offer Internet connections at a low price, but what quality? Rather than spending your money with a bad internet service, choose one that is guaranteed and recognized a lot of people. Ears always open to good offers from the official new provider.

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