Friday, November 18, 2011

History Of Olympic (Part 02)

~ Continued From Part 01 ~

Ancient Greek World Cultural Center
One time in the history of the world which is seen as the century of humanity is ancient Greece. This era began about 2000 BC. Indeed, Mesopotamia (Iraq), Egypt, or China is considered so high but the ancient Greek culture has its advantages. Namely, the images of a person or a person's face in the form of sculpture. Tens of thousands of pieces of archaeological artifacts from various sites, usually describe a well-known figure in those days. Because the figures show, the history of ancient Greek containing a timeless facet of humanity. This is very beneficial to the researchers of the past who lived thousands of years later (Classical Greek, 1985). Ancient Greeks called their country Hellas. They love war, either civil war or against enemies from outside, like the Roman, Persian, and Macedonian. Until modern times Greece was hit by the war never stopped. Frequent disputes with its neighbors: Turkey and Italy. Greece became fully independent state in 1830.

Community adopts polytheism of ancient Greece. They worshiped many gods. Gods and goddesses were named according to the strength and power. The highest god of the Greeks was Zeus, the ruler of Mount Olympus or Olympia. Zeus holds the power to keep order, justice, peace, and morals. Gods and goddesses of ancient Greece is classified according to place of residence, that is heaven or sky, sea, earth, gods and the afterlife Numerous classified according to their power, so the gods and goddesses known core and non core deities (gods Brief Summary of Ancient Greece, 1983 ).

The gods of heaven is a core deities. There are 12 gods enter into this classification, namely Zeus (Mahadeva), Hera (goddess of marriage / birth guardian), Ares (the god of war), Hephaistos (god of fire and smiths), Hebe (the goddess of eternal youth), Aphrodite ( goddess of beauty), Pallas Athena (goddess of knowledge, wisdom, wisdom, intelligence, peace, protector arts / crafts), Phoibos Apollon (god of the sun, the occult, medicine, arts, culture), Artemis (goddess of the moon, goddess of the hunt) , Hermes (the patron deity of shepherds, merchants, and thieves), Denieter (goddess of agriculture and soil fertility), and Hestia (goddess of the hearth house). In addition to the core gods, of this group came the gods and goddesses whose role is lower. Proverbial minister or ministers of state who rank below the coordinating minister. They are Helios (sun god), Eos (goddess of dawn), Phaeton (son of Helios), Selene (the moon goddess), Nike (goddess of victory), Ganymedes (servant of the gods and goddesses), Asklepios (god of medicine), Eros / Amor (cupid), Psyche (psyche goddess), Charite / Gratiae (goddess of beauty and grace), Aiolos / Aeolus (god of wind), and Iris (goddess of the rainbow). Among the sea of ​​gods and goddesses of the most respected is Poseidon (the god of the sea), while the gods and goddesses of the earth is the greatest role yatig Dionysos / Bakchos (the god of wine), Nymphae (wood nymph), Pan (the patron god of shepherds), and Okeanos ( large river god). While the deities most worshiped afterlife is Hades (god Conductor spirits).

Greek capital Athens is now named The name is derived from the goddess Pallas Athena is said in the first capital of Greece does not have a name. Then Pallas Athena competed with Poseidon to give a name and became the protector of the city. Condition, whoever can provide the most useful gift to the city will be chosen as the winner. Poseidon's trident stick stuck into the ground, the sea and created the first horse. While Pallas Athena stuck his spear into the ground so that the olive trees grow. After that Pallas Athena to teach people about the usefulness of stem, leaf, and fruit trees. That's what makes Pallas Athena won the competition because the majority of the people selected city.

As an offering, in the town of Athens built a temple called the Parthenon. This temple is situated on top of the Acropolis hill. In it there is a statue of Athena made of gold and ivory. The author is a renowned sculptor Pheidias (Fidias) assisted Iktinus and Kalikrates as architect-architect Over 900 years the building functioned as a temple of Athena, the 1000 year as a church, and 200 years as a mosque. This multifunctional building into a unique archeological and rare. Currently Parthenon in ruins. Pillars that attract many collapsed due to the war. On the whole Greek archaeological peninggatan many others who also damaged, destroyed, and disappeared because of the war. Even thousands of ancient artifacts dijarahi by Roman soldiers. Hundreds of thousands more diambili army of occupation in modern times.

To Be Continued -> Huft.. I have to break a while for now, see you again on Monday, See Ya (^0^)/

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