Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Undersea Fires

Qs.52 Thuur: 6. and sea in the land there is a fire,

Word of the Prophet Muhammad SAW: "Indeed there is a fire under the oceans and seas under fire there."

Word that used in the above verse is "Sajara", as turning on the furnace to make it hot or boiling. Thus, in the perception of the ancients, the Qur'an descended during the past 1400, fire and water is something that is contradictory.

Water to extinguish the fire while the fire was evaporating the water. So how can two opposites can coexist in a strong bond is broken without one?

This Qur'anic verse has explained the structure of the earth itself. This is proven by the theory of separation of the sea floor (seafloor spreading), which causes the magma beneath the earth's crust come out with a strong pressure to the surface beneath the sea.

After World War II, researchers and dive down into the seabed and the ocean in order to find an alternative variety of minerals that have been nearly depleted its reserves on the mainland due to the materialistic culture of consumerism that humans lived today.

They were struck by a series of volcanoes (volcanic mountain chain) that extends tens of thousands of kilometers in the midst of all the oceans of the earth which they called 'the mountains of the ocean' which consists mainly of volcanic rocks (volcanic rocks) and can explode like a devastating volcanic eruption through a web of huge cracks in its depth reaches 65 km.

Temperatures in some oceans exceeds 1,000 degrees Celsius, even though so many, sea or ocean water remains unable to extinguish the embers of magma. And a very hot magma was not capable of heating water of oceans and seas.

Balance of two opposite things: water and fire on the earth's ocean floor is the living witness and tangible proof of the power of Allah SWT infinite.

Soil samples removed from the seafloor depth of 3,000 m, no one dared approach because it is very hot. Once the soil samples Stapler is opened, then the soil out of hot water and steam temperature reaches 3,000 degrees Celsius.

It was determined by a variety of arguments and evidence that all water on earth removed by God from the earth through volcanic explosions of each volcano.

Fragments of the rocky layers of the earth through this layer is able to achieve up to a certain depth layer of soft earth. In the soft linings and layers beneath the earth, volcanic magma water saving tens of times more than the discharge of water that is in the earth's surface.

From here behold the greatness of this hadith of the Prophet Muhammad that set a number of facts are astonishing earth with the words: "Behold the fire and the bottom of the ocean beneath a sea of fire."

Because these new facts revealed and can only be known by mankind in recent years & just with modern equipment of the 20th century.

Nearby seamounts of Saudi Arabia, the Qur'an revealed 1,400 years ago, is located in the Arabian Sea, namely about 800 km in the South East country of Oman, the Prophet Muhammad could not have gone that far & diving.

Pelansiran these facts in detail and are very scientific in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad will be its own proof of Muhammad's prophetic and apostolic, and prove that he is always connected with the revelations of heaven and be told by Allah the almighty Creator of heaven and earth. Almighty God is saying.

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