Saturday, November 5, 2011

Indonesian Historical Scripts (Part 01)

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According to Wiki Neng (grandson Mbah Google), the archipelago is a diverse alphabet script or writing used in the archipelago to specifically write the language of a particular area. Although the Arabic alphabet and Latin alphabet is also sometimes used to write the local language, the term is often associated with the archipelago script script inkulturisasi results of Indian culture before the development of Islam in the archipelago and before the colonization of European nations in the archipelago.

The earliest evidence of the existence of a script archipelago seven yupa (stone pillar to tether straps cow) that reads the inscription on the ceremony held by Mulawarmman waprakeswara, King Kutai in East Kalimantan. Writing on-yupa yupa using Pallawa Literacy and Language Sanskrta. Based on a review in the form of letters to yupa Pallawa script, the experts concluded that yupa-yupa was made at about the fourth century.

yupa the existing one in the National Museum of Indonesia

It can be concluded since the fourth century knew that Indonesian people have written language that continues to grow following the development of spoken language. This development started mainly from the local languages (eg Old Malay and Old Javanese language) also stated in the written form of language other than Sansekerta that in the past is the only common written language. Since the XV century script marked archipelago thriving with a wide-variety script to write the various regional languages starting role until then shifted by Alphabets Arabic and Latin alphabets.

As with the local cultural identity in the archipelago, in the present Literacy Archipelago is one of the endangered cultural heritage. Therefore, some local governments who feel compelled to preserve that culture makes specific regulations regarding the preservation of their local character. The background is what eventually became the basis of, among others, the emergence of the Sunda Literacy Baku in 1996.

Almost all regions in Indonesia script is a derivative script Pallawa originating from areas of South India. Jawi script, Akara Pegon, and the script is a derivative says Me-Arabic alphabet, while the Nagari script came from North India. Both the script Pallawa and Nagari script is derived from Brahmi script which is the parent of all characters in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

The term archipelago script can also be used to summarize the characters-characters that are used and developed in the Philippine Islands. Almost all literacy areas in the Philippines is a derivative script Kawi (Old Javanese script). Script-script includes Baybayin Literacy, Literacy Tagbanwa, Buhid Literacy, Literacy Hanuno'o, and Kapampangan script. While the script is the result of indigenous culture Eskaya Filipino Nation.

Some characters are named according to the composition of the letters or the alphabet by name abecedarium. Thus the New Java Script and Balinese script called Hanacaraka; whereas Rejang Literacy, Literacy Kerinci, Literacy Lampung, and Raw Sundanese script called Script Script Kaganga follow abecedarium Pallawa: ka kha ga gha nga.

Genealogy of Language Archipelago

to be continued ...

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