Tuesday, November 15, 2011

10 Underground Prisons In Indonesia (Part 2)

7. Building Polwiltabes Surabaya      
This building has been restored at the time of Alexander the Inspector General of Police Anang be Kapolwitabes Surabaya 2007. The main building became whole again. Bunker to the dungeon is opened again, though no longer inhabited.

The main building has four main rooms. All the room including the door jamb nothing has changed. Now Kapolwil, Wakapolwil and a number of Head occupy this building. including meeting rooms and lobby there is a sky high sky. Underneath is a dungeon whose height of one meter. There are two entrances, but now that looks just the one on the north side.

8. Freedom House, London
Building Independence in the way of Asia-Africa, Bandung, Indonesia, is a building that was once used as a place of Summit Asia-Africa in 1955. At this time used as a museum.

At the age of more than a century, this building still save a lot of stories. In addition to his basement room full of question marks, including the dungeon. An underground tunnel in the vicinity of the basement was also allegedly linking Building Independence with other old buildings.
The entrance to the basement of the Building Independence can be accessed from the edge of the building, rather than Jl. Cikapundung East. The entrance to the basement in front of the building that used to serve as West Java Regional Library. If not careful, the entrance to the basement will not be visible. However, if observed, the hall down the width of one meter high and about two meters.

9. Fatahillah Museum, Jakarta
Fatahillah Museum, also known as the Jakarta History Museum or the Museum of Batavia is a museum which is located at Jalan Taman Fatahillah No.. 2, West Jakarta with an area of ​​more than 1,300 square meters.

This building was once the Stadhuis or City Hall, built in 1707-1710 by order of the Governor-General Johan Van Hoorn. City Hall building was similar to the Dam Palace in Amsterdam, consists of the main building with two wings on the east and west as well as sanding buildings used as offices, court rooms, and underground spaces are used as a prison. On March 30, 1974, this building was inaugurated as a museum Fatahillah.

10. Building Sewu Lawang, Semarang
The building is already very popular with tourist angkernya is located in Semarang. An office of Spoorweg Nederlands-Indische Maatschappij or NIS. Built in 1904 and completed in 1907. Located on the first roundabout monument Young called Wilhelmina Plein.
During the Japanese occupation, this building underground room converted into an underground prison known as the Prison Squat, this is because the prison has an area of ​​the narrow room with a low roof.

Lawang Sewu dungeon is often used as a place of execution of Indonesian youth who fought against the Japanese and their bodies dumped into streams which is located next to this building. Silent witness to the resistance when the Japanese occupation of Indonesia.

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