Tuesday, November 15, 2011

3 Kung Fu Legend

The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts techniques were combined with the Wong family magnanimity makes a lot intervene to help the weak and oppressed people in those days. Many of the patients who require medical assistance comes from the poor but they still help in earnest. In addition, secretly Wong family were also active in the underground movement against the corrupt Ch'ing Dynasty rule and oppress the people.

1. Wong Fei-Hung
Wong Fei-Hung began to hone the talents beladirinya since his encounter with his father a teacher named Luk Ah-Choi who then taught him the basics of Hung Gar moves. Kick is discovered, developed and become a mainstay of Hung Hei-Kwun, brother seperguruan Luk Ah-Choi. Hung Hei-Kwun are warriors from Shaolin who escaped a burning and massacre by the occupation of Manchuria (Ch'ing Dynasty) in 1734. With the leadership of Hung Hei-Kwun this, nearly defeated rebel fighters dynasty invaders if only the government did not ask for help the armed forces of foreign nations (Russia, Britain, Japan).

Wong Fei-Hung then continued his study at his own father until later in the early age of 20 years, he has become a leading expert treatment and self-defense. In fact he managed to develop the more advanced. Ability beladirinya increasingly difficult to surpass when he managed to create a new, very tactical stance but efficient-called tiger paws and nine special punch. In addition to empty-handed, he is also adept at using various weapons. Local people have seen how he was alone with only armed with sticks (Toya) managed to beat 30 people harbor burly heroes and cruel in the Canton of beating him up because he wants to defend the little people they are going to wring it out.

In his early family life, God tested with various trials. A son was killed in an incident. Wong Fei-Hung married three times because of his wives died within a short age, then he decided to live alone until he met his last partner named Mok Gwai Lan, a young woman who happened to be very skilled martial. Mok Gwai Lan also helped teach martial arts to women in the college class of her husband. In 1924 Wong Fei-Hung died.

2. Yip Man

Ip Man (Yip Man) is an homage to a legendary Kung Fu Wing Chun. He has been studying Wing Chun since the age of 13 years. According to Wikipedia, Yip Man was the Kung Fu Master (Sifu) first openly teach Wing Chun to the public.

Yip Man was born in Foshan in 1893 from a wealthy merchant family, at the age of 13 learned Wing Chun from Yip Chan Wah-Shun and forwarded by Ng Chung-sok accordance Chan message before he died.

Age 16, Yip continued his studies at St. Stephen's College, Hong Kong, where the school is intended of the rich and foreigners in Hong Kong.

Yip started at this school since beating murip known senior with some small movements. At the age of the 24 th Yip returned to Foshan, with science Chunnya thriving Wing, Yip did not establish schools or colleges there, only taught to some pupils and their relationships alone. In the Japanese population in China, Yip always refused all invitations to the Japanese government to teach Yip martial Japanese troops.

Yip then returned to Hong Kong and founded a martial arts college, almost all former students of Yip to be famous, established perguruannya own, becoming manager in a martial arts movie star or even matches his own, and the most famous of the disciples was Lee Yip Xiao Long or Bruce Lee.

And  yip man bruce lee

December 2, 1972, Yip died in because of cancer, but the martial arts in his teaching lessons, Wing Chung has spread to all corners of the world.

3. Huo Yan Jia
Yanjia Huo was born in Tianjing, 1868 at the end of the Qing dynasty. Although born of traditional Wushu family, Huo Yuanjia was born weak and susceptible to disease (at an early age he suffered from jaundice and asthma), as this father refused to teach traditional wushu to Huo. However Huo secretly watched his father when teaching his students to practice martial arts and practice it alone at night. (Ko-Ko kek kung fu movies) Grin

In 1890, his family in the visit by a fighter from Henan and tested the eldest brother of Huo YanJia, where the eldest brother Huo defeated by these fighters. Surprisingly challenging Huo fighter and beat him. Since that Huo was appointed by his father's pupil. After the event, Huo much got a lot of challenges from neighboring areas and managed to beat every challenge, Huo more famous names. Huo name keeps getting famous after he also beat a bandit chief who gave the monks.

Huo also proclaim to accept the challenge of Russian wrestler and boxer Britain.
Huo Yuanjia in 1909 founded the Chin Woo Physical Training Center (later known as the Chin Woo Athletic Association) in Shanghai and supported by his close friends among them are Sun Yat Mon
A doctor from Japanese judo clubs in Shanghai who knows Huo disease (jaundice and tuberculosis) in an invited competition. Huo Liu Zhensheng sends his students, although not announced who the winner, the Japanese judo associations acknowledge that many of the wounded in this competition, even the head instructor himself was also injured.

August 9, 1910, Huo died. Tianjin government in 1989 to move his tomb, found black spots on her spine and evidence lab says that it is the result rather than toxins in the body Huo. This reinforces the rumor that Huo killed using poison.

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