Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Origins In The Name Of "Ragunan"

Ragunan name believed to derive from the name Wira Tumenggung reply to his tomb found at the intersection republika, Mampang, Kemang and Pejaten .. near small rivers and bridges.

Characters in the story of the legend-Pranacitra Mendut Rara. Summary of the story as follows. Starch Duchy area lived a beautiful village girl named Mendut. When Starch-controlled territory of Mataram, a lot of assets transported to Mataram. Mendut or girl who later became called Rara Mendut boyongan Tumenggung Wiraguna, Senapati of Mataram. Tumenggung Wiraguna fell in love with Rara Mendut. He tried to propose her. Rara Mendut not respond to the following reasons:

(1). Tumenggung Wiraguna is that the Praja Senapati become a protector of all people, and
(2). Rara Mendut Talah have the option of a village boy who is very handsome, Pranacita. Rara Mendut love affair with making Pranacita Wiraguna very passionate and shame. Various attempts to separate the violent relationship. Wiraguna make heinous to kill engineering Pranacita lives. Heinous plan was accomplished. Pranacita corpse interred in a remote place in the woods Ceporan, Gandhu Village, approximately 9 km east of Yogyakarta.

After Pranacita died was Wiraguna did not succeeded in imposing his desire to marry Mendut Rara. Tumenggung Wiraguna increasingly urgent. Rara Mendut still refused to serve him. Eventually he fled to the cemetery and suicide Pranacita tomb beside her lover, Pranacita. Rara Mendut corpse was interred into a grave with his girlfriend. Rara Mendut tomb - the legendary Pranacita in Gandhu is now often used as a place of pilgrimage for young people - mudi, adult, and the merchants.

In 1677, King of Mataram sent troops to the conquest of VOC to Batavia. Warlord who was also named Tumenggung Wiraguna deployed. Well then this Tumenggung defeat while carrying hundreds of soldiers to the region near the market last week ... he was killed and buried there .. there was made the name of the name Wiraguna Ragunan. 

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