Tuesday, November 22, 2011

History of Sea Games

History Origins of Sea Games and SEA Games champion Period to Period. Games of Southeast Asian Nations, or SEA Games (Southeast Asian Games) is a sporting event held every two years and involves 11 countries of Southeast Asia. Rules match at the SEA Games Sports Federation under the auspices of Southeast Asia (Southeast Asian Games Federation) under the supervision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).

History Origins of Sea Games
The origins of the SEA Games is closely related to Southeast Asian Peninsular Games or SEAP Games. SEAP Games was initiated by Laung Sukhumnaipradit, by then Vice President of Olympic Committee of Thailand. The aim is to strengthen cooperation, understanding and relations between countries in the ASEAN region. Thailand, Burma (now Myanmar), Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia (with Singapore included later) is the pioneer countries. They agreed to hold this event every two years. In addition the Committee also established SEAP Games Federation. SEAP Games was held in Bangkok from 12 to 17 December 1959, followed by more than 527 athletes and organizers from Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Laos who competed in 12 sports.

At the SEA Games VIII in 1975, the SEAP Federation considered the inclusion of Indonesia and the Philippines. These two countries officially signed in 1977, and in the same year SEAP Federation changed their name to Southeast Asian Games Federation (SEAGF), and this event became the State Games of Southeast Asian Nations. Brunei is inserted at the State Games X Southeast Asian Nations in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Timor Leste in the Games of Southeast Asian Nations XXII in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Although it does not include one of the countries that follow the SEA Games from the beginning, Indonesia achievements in the sports arena in South East Asia can not be underestimated. The first SEA Games held in Bangkok on December 12 to 17, 1959, but the new Indonesia participated in 1977.

When that Malaysia is hosting her home. But since joining, Indonesia excel as winning the overall championship nine times. Throughout the history of SEA Games, Indonesia are top the medals table as many as 3934. In 1997 when he became the host, Indonesia won 194 gold medals. On the 19 th SEA Games, Indonesia obtained a record gold medal ever in the history of SEA Games.

Monday, November 21, 2011

History Of Olympic (Part 03)

Helo, Boys and Girls..
whats up? Hope u all are doing great (^^). Sorry about the delay! Hmm.. where do I have to begin on this monday... Hehehe, Oh silly me. Lets we continued our last topics about the History of Olympics, shall we? Lets get it on...

Ancient Greece produced many experts whose names are still remembered to this day. Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates is an expert on philosophy. Pitaeoras and Archimedes is an expert on science. Hippocrates labeled as? World Father of Medicine? because its role is very admirable. Unconsciously people often use the term chaotic political and psychological terms Oudipus-complex. Chaos means disorder comes from the Greek. Oudipus Similarly, the legend of a boy who kills his biological father biological mother later married Greek influence had spread throughout the world in various fields. Western astrology or horoscopes, for example, recognize the various zodiac. Zodiac-zodiac is derived from Greek mythology (Greek Mythology, 1977).

In one narrated mythology Kronos and Rhea gave birth to Zeus. For fear of being swallowed Kronos, Rhea brought Zeus to a goat Almatheia to breastfeed. To thank Zeus then placed as a sign of the zodiac Aries (picture a goat).

Another mythology tells Diskouroi, twins of Zeus with Leda Diskouroi Princess is the guide and protector of sailors. Karenaberjasa, they were both awarded the award as a sign of the zodiac Gemini (twins illustrated).

Legend of Heracles or Hercules, the hero mighty-god in human form, is very popular in various parts of the world. Even his films achieve box office in many countries.

Legend of the Trojan Horse is so pervasive and more people. Legend has it been bothering a German banker Heinrich Schliemann to conduct excavations in Troy Hill. The result is amazing because he found ancient artifacts are extraordinarily beautiful.

The name also comes from the European continent Greek legend. It is said that Zeus was enamored of Europe, the daughter of Agenor, a common man. Then Zeus disguised as a bull and carrying white European walk. In the end Zeus lowered his girlfriend on the beach and then a new country named Europe.

Ancient Greek alphabet known until now and is still used as symbols or terms in various sciences. Number of 24 pieces of the Greek alphabet, a row is alfa (a), beta (b), gamma (g), delta (d), epsilon (e), zeta (z), eta (e), theta (th), iota (i), kappa (k), lambdha (1), mu (m), nu (n), xi (x), omikron (o), pi (p), rho (r), sigma (s), tau (t), upsilon (y, u), fi (f), kfai (kh), psi (ps), and omega (o).

Mathematics and physics, for example, using alpha, beta, and gamma as the name of the angle and light. Unit of electrical resistance is the omega. The term for the sum of the sigma, and much more.

Greece is the center of world culture and science. However, relatively barren country. Greek main income comes from tourism by exploiting the full potential arkeologisnya heritage. Within a year the number of tourists visiting Greece reach dozens of million people, more than the population that only 12 million inhabitants.

Olympic (Olympic) is among the nation's sports arena. There are two Olympics the most well known today that the Olympic Summer and Winter Olympics. Summer Olympics is a summer sports event held every four years and followed by all countries in the world are listed on the International Olympic Committee (IOC = International Olympic Committee)

Winter Olympics is a showcase of winter sports among nations, held four years. The match is usually performed on ice or snow, such as ice skating or skiing. The number of participating countries the Winter Olympics are less than the Summer Olympics, because the countries that are in equator do not have the facilities for winter sports.

In the next article, which referred to the Olympic Summer Games.
First Modern Olympics. At first Olympics in ancient Greece lasted only until the ancient Olympics in 393 AD was stopped by the Roman Emperor Theodosius. Olympic then revived by a French nobleman, Pierre Fredy, Baron de Courbertin in 1896.

In a congress held in 1894 in Paris by Pierre Fredy, founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the capital of Greece, Athens was chosen to host the first modern Olympics in 1896. And then since 1896 until now, every four years the Summer Olympics are always held except for the years during World War II.

Friday, November 18, 2011

History Of Olympic (Part 02)

~ Continued From Part 01 ~

Ancient Greek World Cultural Center
One time in the history of the world which is seen as the century of humanity is ancient Greece. This era began about 2000 BC. Indeed, Mesopotamia (Iraq), Egypt, or China is considered so high but the ancient Greek culture has its advantages. Namely, the images of a person or a person's face in the form of sculpture. Tens of thousands of pieces of archaeological artifacts from various sites, usually describe a well-known figure in those days. Because the figures show, the history of ancient Greek containing a timeless facet of humanity. This is very beneficial to the researchers of the past who lived thousands of years later (Classical Greek, 1985). Ancient Greeks called their country Hellas. They love war, either civil war or against enemies from outside, like the Roman, Persian, and Macedonian. Until modern times Greece was hit by the war never stopped. Frequent disputes with its neighbors: Turkey and Italy. Greece became fully independent state in 1830.

Community adopts polytheism of ancient Greece. They worshiped many gods. Gods and goddesses were named according to the strength and power. The highest god of the Greeks was Zeus, the ruler of Mount Olympus or Olympia. Zeus holds the power to keep order, justice, peace, and morals. Gods and goddesses of ancient Greece is classified according to place of residence, that is heaven or sky, sea, earth, gods and the afterlife Numerous classified according to their power, so the gods and goddesses known core and non core deities (gods Brief Summary of Ancient Greece, 1983 ).

The gods of heaven is a core deities. There are 12 gods enter into this classification, namely Zeus (Mahadeva), Hera (goddess of marriage / birth guardian), Ares (the god of war), Hephaistos (god of fire and smiths), Hebe (the goddess of eternal youth), Aphrodite ( goddess of beauty), Pallas Athena (goddess of knowledge, wisdom, wisdom, intelligence, peace, protector arts / crafts), Phoibos Apollon (god of the sun, the occult, medicine, arts, culture), Artemis (goddess of the moon, goddess of the hunt) , Hermes (the patron deity of shepherds, merchants, and thieves), Denieter (goddess of agriculture and soil fertility), and Hestia (goddess of the hearth house). In addition to the core gods, of this group came the gods and goddesses whose role is lower. Proverbial minister or ministers of state who rank below the coordinating minister. They are Helios (sun god), Eos (goddess of dawn), Phaeton (son of Helios), Selene (the moon goddess), Nike (goddess of victory), Ganymedes (servant of the gods and goddesses), Asklepios (god of medicine), Eros / Amor (cupid), Psyche (psyche goddess), Charite / Gratiae (goddess of beauty and grace), Aiolos / Aeolus (god of wind), and Iris (goddess of the rainbow). Among the sea of ​​gods and goddesses of the most respected is Poseidon (the god of the sea), while the gods and goddesses of the earth is the greatest role yatig Dionysos / Bakchos (the god of wine), Nymphae (wood nymph), Pan (the patron god of shepherds), and Okeanos ( large river god). While the deities most worshiped afterlife is Hades (god Conductor spirits).

Greek capital Athens is now named The name is derived from the goddess Pallas Athena is said in the first capital of Greece does not have a name. Then Pallas Athena competed with Poseidon to give a name and became the protector of the city. Condition, whoever can provide the most useful gift to the city will be chosen as the winner. Poseidon's trident stick stuck into the ground, the sea and created the first horse. While Pallas Athena stuck his spear into the ground so that the olive trees grow. After that Pallas Athena to teach people about the usefulness of stem, leaf, and fruit trees. That's what makes Pallas Athena won the competition because the majority of the people selected city.

As an offering, in the town of Athens built a temple called the Parthenon. This temple is situated on top of the Acropolis hill. In it there is a statue of Athena made of gold and ivory. The author is a renowned sculptor Pheidias (Fidias) assisted Iktinus and Kalikrates as architect-architect Over 900 years the building functioned as a temple of Athena, the 1000 year as a church, and 200 years as a mosque. This multifunctional building into a unique archeological and rare. Currently Parthenon in ruins. Pillars that attract many collapsed due to the war. On the whole Greek archaeological peninggatan many others who also damaged, destroyed, and disappeared because of the war. Even thousands of ancient artifacts dijarahi by Roman soldiers. Hundreds of thousands more diambili army of occupation in modern times.

To Be Continued -> Huft.. I have to break a while for now, see you again on Monday, See Ya (^0^)/

History Of Olympic (Part 01)

Ancient Greek Olympics

SINCE thousands of years ago the Greeks had known sport in its most simple. They do so for the sake of war or military forces. By exercising the soldiers are expected to be agile and swift in battle.
The earliest Olympics allegedly held the ancient Greeks in 776 BC.

The activity was followed by all the Greeks and was held to honor their supreme god, Zeus. Zeus lived on Mount Olympus Olympia or are later used as the name of the Olympics until now.

The ancient Olympics held every four years athletes from all over Greece came to the arena in the vicinity of Mount Olympia. They compete individually, not on behalf of the team. The athletes who will compete during the first ten months of intensive training in their respective areas.

First, in the Greek civil war, however often the case when the games take place, the parties to the ceasefire. Anyone who violates the consensus will be fined Sparta Nations had ordered to pay fines for violating the cease-fire during the War of Peloponnesus. Ahead of the party, executive committee sacrificial slaughter pigs.

Currently in the Olympia area there is a group of small buildings and outdoor rink. The remains of the debris field exercise was preserved archeological government Yunani.Pada Olympic Games often happens treaty of peace or alliance between nations. Also incurred various transaction activities. Goods sold include wine, food, talismans, and ancient objects ibadah.Olimpiade bring into athletics events, such as running, jumping, and throwing. There are also horse racing and racing the train. Because the rules have not raw, lots of spectators. There are also horse racing and racing the train. Because the rules have not raw, many viewers are often exposed stone's throw or hit by a horse-drawn carriage to the participants. In the open space in front of the altar of Zeus, dulunyamerupakan wrestling and boxing arenas.

At Olympia also was found a stone which is a stepping-stone track. Stepping stones are arranged in such a way so that the runners have room to move to the left and right. At the start the runners have to put your foot on stepping stones that. There are also panels on special race with shield. The competition was much preferred audience because it is considered funny.

The opening of the Olympics is always colored race with a four-horse carriage. About 40 trains were lined up in a cage at the checkout. The distance traveled nearly 14 km, ie 12 times back and forth between two stone pillars that is attached to the ground. Unlike the modern Olympics, was the crown of victory is given to the coachman or jockey, but to train and horse owners who are generally wealthy people. The rich are hungry for honor usually send at least seven trains kudauntuk follow the race.

Various ancient Olympic games in virtually all-hard. The runners raced as quickly as possible without wearing footwear. The riders raced all-out without saddle or stirrups. The jumper carrying ballast which rocked back and forth to add impetus forward.

Which is the hardest sport Pankration, which is a blend of traditional style of wrestling and boxing. The athletes may kick or strangle an opponent. Which is not allowed is massaging the eyes, biting, and breaking fingers. Fairplay properly addressed the athletes.
There Vanc Beberaba ancient artifacts show tiniu scene between two athletes. Winner of boxing is to hit the opponent's head. The loser should be pointing the finger marks admit defeat.

Ancient Olympic Games should only be watched and followed by the men. For the athletes have to compete with the body naked, except for special occasions, such as chariot races. They were dressed in different colors to indicate the social status of the owner of the carriage and horses. To the Greeks, naked is the most appropriate way to exercise. They are proud to have an athletic body. The winner of the match to get the crown of foliage, like a wild olive leaves as a replacement medal. Sometimes the champion paraded into the city through a specially made hole in the wall of the city. They were hailed in the streets and greeted the reading of poetry. Other awards to outstanding sportsmen in the form of exemption from taxes and a variety of free food (Greek Classics, 1985)

Some cities also provide large amounts of cash bonuses. Even the winner's residence in the city they founded the statue. Many stone and bronze sculptures still remaining until now and that's most enduring gifts the champion.

One part of the athletics events that still remain unknown to this day is a marathon, a race that is run as far as about 42 km. Actually, the marathon is the name of the plain surrounded by mountains and sea

The story, when Athens will be attacked by the enemy, Miltiades, an intelligent and resolute commander, blocking of the marathon. Finally Miltiades defeated the Persian army. For that Miltiades sends a runner to Athens to announce victory news. After running about 35 KTN, the runner fell down and died. Those who died were buried in a mound at Marathon magnificent. To commemorate their service, then the term was used to run marathons.

~ To Be Continued ~

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Origins In The Name Of "Ragunan"

Ragunan name believed to derive from the name Wira Tumenggung reply to his tomb found at the intersection republika, Mampang, Kemang and Pejaten .. near small rivers and bridges.

Characters in the story of the legend-Pranacitra Mendut Rara. Summary of the story as follows. Starch Duchy area lived a beautiful village girl named Mendut. When Starch-controlled territory of Mataram, a lot of assets transported to Mataram. Mendut or girl who later became called Rara Mendut boyongan Tumenggung Wiraguna, Senapati of Mataram. Tumenggung Wiraguna fell in love with Rara Mendut. He tried to propose her. Rara Mendut not respond to the following reasons:

(1). Tumenggung Wiraguna is that the Praja Senapati become a protector of all people, and
(2). Rara Mendut Talah have the option of a village boy who is very handsome, Pranacita. Rara Mendut love affair with making Pranacita Wiraguna very passionate and shame. Various attempts to separate the violent relationship. Wiraguna make heinous to kill engineering Pranacita lives. Heinous plan was accomplished. Pranacita corpse interred in a remote place in the woods Ceporan, Gandhu Village, approximately 9 km east of Yogyakarta.

After Pranacita died was Wiraguna did not succeeded in imposing his desire to marry Mendut Rara. Tumenggung Wiraguna increasingly urgent. Rara Mendut still refused to serve him. Eventually he fled to the cemetery and suicide Pranacita tomb beside her lover, Pranacita. Rara Mendut corpse was interred into a grave with his girlfriend. Rara Mendut tomb - the legendary Pranacita in Gandhu is now often used as a place of pilgrimage for young people - mudi, adult, and the merchants.

In 1677, King of Mataram sent troops to the conquest of VOC to Batavia. Warlord who was also named Tumenggung Wiraguna deployed. Well then this Tumenggung defeat while carrying hundreds of soldiers to the region near the market last week ... he was killed and buried there .. there was made the name of the name Wiraguna Ragunan. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

7 Tips To Prevent Cancer

There are cheaper ways one can do to prevent cancer, Fahma Sunarya, an expert on diet and nutrition from the Singapore Cancer Prevention reveal seven tips to prevent cancer.

Set Diet
Healthy diet can prevent occurrence of cancer. Cancer occurs because many people are wrong in the application of the diet. "Eat calories needed for the body," he said when he became speaker in Healing Fest, in Jakarta some time ago.

Avoid Body Fat
Body fat has the potential to cause cancer because it has high levels of fat content, that obese people also have the insulin that is not smooth. Body fat is often like-heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

Expand exercise for 30 minutes every day such as walking and increase the intensity of fitness time from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. "Squash is a sport that burns lots of calories because Squash should require irregular motion and requires quick reflexes," he said.

Eating Fruits and Vegetables
Takes a minimum of two types of fruit and two kinds of vegetables in a day either at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Also types of nuts and brown rice. "Fruits contain lots of fiber is good for health," he said.

Reduce Processed and fatty foods
Reduce water containing sugar and fast food and high fat foods such as chicken meat, butter and coconut milk. Also prevent the consumption of salty foods and foods that are low-fat.

Reduce Drinking Alcohol
Drink alcohol in accordance with the measure, as many as 30 ml of beer, wine should be as much as 1 ml of a man no more than two alcoholic drinks per day and women only one glass per day.

Check diligent Body Weight
Should be diligent in checking the weight of the body over once a month to determine the extent of our diet program successfully.

3 Japanese Popular Superstitions Belief

1. Tabeta ato, sugu yoko ni naruto, Ushi ni naru!

The meaning of the sentence above is: "If you lie down immediately after eating can be a cow!" Was the curse?

Today, despite modern times have, many Japanese parents who still commemorate his son with the words as above. Clearly the reason why these words are used is unknown. But if analyzed, unlike ancient Japan today of the all powerful, they first have to work hard in order to live (especially after the bombing of Nagasaki & Hiroshima). That children are willing to help parents work in the fields, they always say "Tabeta ato, sugu yoko ni naruto, Ushi ni naru!" (If you lie down immediately after eating can be a cow!)

While in today's why parents are still convey this belief to their children is because they want to commemorate that: "It's not polite - a bad attitude, if after eating directly lying"

2. Hinakazari hayakushimawanaito wo, ni yome ikiokureru.

The meaning of the sentence above is: "If the decoration doll` despicable `not immediately saved, going to late marriage."

As we know, each dated 3 March, Japan organized the celebration of Hina Matsuri ``. The purpose of this celebration is as a thank you to the creator for giving daughter. In addition the purpose of this ceremony is to ask the blessing of health to their female children.

In celebration of Hina Matsuri every family who has a daughter, since February should display Hina dolls `` in the middle room, which consists of the couple's daughter and her ladies accompanied the prince and his bodyguard. Hina dolls on display, it should be kept or trimmed if it has passed from the date of March 3. If not immediately trimmed to be kept, they believe that the daughter will be married late later.

When viewed from the average age of married Japanese people today who ranged over 30 years, they believe one reason is "wo Hinakazari hayakushimawanaito, yome ikiokureru ni" (When decoration doll `despicable` not immediately saved, going to late marriage)

3. Shitewa ikenai koto

Shitewa ikenai koto means something it should not be done. In Japanese beliefs, there are some things a person should not be done because it contains a bad feeling, among others:

- It should not be served food by the number four (4) pieces.
times like this intention

Number four (4) in a language other than Japanese read Yon `` `Shi` is also read. Shi `own` the word means "death". Based on this, if we served the cake with the number four, then as we invite death. People who eat it will soon leave the mortal world.